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From D2C to Omnichannel: Building the Perfect Tech Stack with Ginesys One


From D2C to Omnichannel: Building the Perfect Tech Stack with Ginesys One
D2C online brands
August 1, 2023


Recent years have seen a significant evolution in the way D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) brands operate. D2C brands initially focused on selling their products using online channels. However, with consumer behavior and expectations changing, these brands have begun expanding their presence to multiple sales channels. This transition from being purely online D2C brands to omnichannel brands has become a crucial step in helping them meet growing customer demands.

A recent study by Google found that 75% of consumers are more likely to visit a store if they come across local retail information on the web. This means that D2C brands that provide local retail information on their websites and other online channels are more likely to drive traffic to their stores. However, this requires a deeper understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and expectations.

Ginesys One's omnichannel suite empowers D2C brands to transition successfully by simplifying their tech stack, enhancing customer experience, and driving sales. By leveraging its capabilities to the fullest, brands can seamlessly manage their operations across online and offline channels, ensuring consistent and personalized experiences for their customers. With Ginesys One, D2C brands can unlock the true potential of omnichannel retail and achieve sustainable growth in today's competitive market.


Unlock the Full Potential of Omnichannel Retail


How expanding from online-only to multiple sales channels can help D2C Brands

Expanding from online-only to multiple sales channels allows retail brands to reach a wider customer base, access new market segments and multiple geographical locations. It also helps diversify their revenue streams, reducing the dependence on a single channel. By establishing their presence across various physical stores, D2C brands can provide a more tangible experience to customers, enhance their brand perception and build trust.

online-only to multiple sales channels

The retail landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation as pure D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) online brands are transitioning into omnichannel brands. Brands like HRX and Berrylush serve as excellent examples of this evolution. Once exclusively focused on online sales, they have now expanded their reach to physical stores and other offline channels to provide a seamless shopping experience.

This strategic shift allows them to cater to diverse customer preferences and demands. To effectively manage this transition and address the challenges of inventory management, pricing synchronization, and maintaining brand consistency, D2C brands require a robust tech stack. Solutions like Ginesys One's omnichannel suite offer invaluable support, empowering brands to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth in the omnichannel retail market. The transition to omnichannel is undoubtedly a crucial step for D2C brands to stay competitive and meet the ever-growing expectations of their customers.

The Role of ERP and POS in Omnichannel Operations

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a crucial role in omnichannel operations. They provide a centralized platform for managing their core business processes, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and customer data. By integrating data from various channels into a single system, ERP enables more real-time visibility and data-driven decision-making. It streamlines operations, optimizes resource allocation, and enhances efficiency throughout the supply chain.

By providing a centralized platform for core business processes, optimizing inventory management, enabling seamless order fulfillment, and integrating customer data, ERP systems empower companies with the tools they need to thrive in a multichannel environment. Moreover, the real-time visibility and data-driven decision-making offered by ERP systems enhance efficiency in the supply chain and contribute to overall business success. As businesses continue to embrace the omnichannel approach, investing in a robust and adaptable ERP system becomes not only a smart choice but a strategic necessity. 


Streamline operations and enhance efficiency through your supply chain


Importance of Point of Sale (POS) solutions in managing in-store transactions

Point of Sale (POS) solutions are essential for managing in-store transactions and delivering exceptional customer experiences. In physical retail environments, POS systems handle key tasks including payment processing, inventory management, and receipt generation. They enable seamless checkout experiences, minimize wait times, and provide accurate pricing information. POS solutions also facilitate personalized customer interactions, allowing sales associates to access customer profiles, purchase histories, and preferences.The right POS solution can help retailers improve their bottom line in a number of ways. By streamlining checkout processes and reducing errors, POS systems can help to increase sales. By providing insights into customer behavior, POS systems can help retailers to target their marketing efforts more effectively. And by automating tasks, POS systems can free up employees to focus on providing better customer service.

Integration with ERP, POS and OMS for Streamlined Order Processing 

ERP, POS, OMS Integration

Integration between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Point of Sale (POS), and Order Management System (OMS) is not only crucial but the backbone of seamless order processing and inventory management in omnichannel operations. In the world of modern retail, where customers demand a unified and consistent shopping experience across various channels, the ability to efficiently manage orders and inventory is paramount for businesses.

When a customer places an order through any channel, whether it's a physical store, website, mobile app, or social media platform, it initiates a series of complex processes behind the scenes. This is where the integration between ERP, POS, and OMS comes into play. The OMS acts as a central hub that receives and consolidates all incoming orders from different channels. It ensures that each order is accurately captured and efficiently routed to the appropriate fulfillment center or store location.

With a well-integrated OMS, brands can leverage a single, unified view of their entire order fulfillment process. This unified view allows them to efficiently manage orders from multiple sources, whether they originate online or offline. Regardless of the channel through which the order is placed, the ERP and POS integration with the ecommerce OMS ensures that it is processed, packed, and shipped in a consistent and timely manner.

Advantages of Ginesys One’s complete omnichannel suite

A comprehensive omnichannel suite like Ginesys One will offer several benefits for D2C brands. Ginesys One provides an all-in-one solution that combines ERP, POS, and OMS functionalities. With a unified system, D2C brands can simplify the integration complexities and streamline their operations. Ginesys One enables centralized data management, synchronizing inventory across channels and making order processing seamless. It also provides valuable analytics and insights to optimize performance and make data-driven decisions.

Ginesys One has been designed specifially for D2C brands looking to expand their operations in the omnichannel realm. It offers a robust suite of integrated tools and features that empower brands to streamline their processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth across multiple sales channels.


Expand from online only to multiple sales channels


Advantages of leveraging Ginesys One

Seamless Integration: Ginesys One enables seamless inventory, order, shipping and payments integration between various systems. This integration ensures smooth data flow and synchronization, allowing brands to have a centralized view of their operations across channels. Consolidating data and processes allows brands to make informed decisions, optimize efficiency, and improve their performance.

Efficient Inventory Management: Our powerful inventory management capabilities allow brands to track their inventory in real-time, monitor stock levels, and automate replenishment processes. With accurate and up-to-date inventory information, brands can prevent stockouts, reduce their carrying costs, and meet customer demands efficiently.

Streamlined Sales Tracking: Comprehensive sales tracking can be done across multiple channels. Data can be captured on sales, customer behavior and their preferences, providing brands with valuable insights for strategic decision-making. Understanding customer trends and preferences will allow brands to tailor their marketing efforts more effectively, improve targeting, and drive higher conversion rates.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Brands can deliver a seamless and personalized customer experience across channels through centralized customer data, giving them a unified view of customer interactions and their purchase history. This allows them to offer more personalized recommendations, targeted promotions, and consistent experiences, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Success Story of D2C Brands using Ginesys One

Ginesys One has empowered several D2C brands to achieve remarkable success in their omnichannel operations. Here’s one of those success stories:


Berrylush, a renowned women’s western wear and ultra-fast fashion store, implemented Ginesys One to streamline their omnichannel operations and enhance customer experience. Their OMS, accounting, and WMS processes were working in silos and they were looking for a solution that would integrate all of them.

Using Ginesys One's comprehensive suite of solutions, Berrylush achieved significant improvements across multiple areas, including:

Efficient Inventory Management: Ginesys One enabled Berrylush to gain real-time visibility into their inventory across different geographical locations through different sales channels. This allowed them to optimize their inventory levels, reduce stockouts, and fulfill customer orders on time.

POS/ERP Integration: Berrylush needed their ERP and POS to be integrated to reduce their go-to market time. Ginesys One effectively integrated ERP and POS to help them setup all their store operations in one day. 

This empowered them to make well informed decisions and serve customer requirements immediately.

GST Filing: They were facing significant challenges with fiing their GST on time due to the large amount of manual work involved. With EaseMyGST, Berrylush was able to file their GST returns on or before time, saving them time and effort.

Streamlining OMS: Their Order Management System (OMS) was working in silos and involved a lot of manual work. Browtape OMS from Ginesys automated their OMS, eliminating all their manual operations, improving productivity and efficiency.

Unified Customer Experience: They created a unified customer experience across their online and offline channels. The integration of customer data allowed the brand to provide personalized recommendations, target their promotions, and ensure consistent experiences, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Berrylush’s success story highlights the transformative impact Ginesys One has had on omnichannel retail. Ginesys One’s comprehensive suite of solutions has helped many other D2C brands like Berrylush enhance their operational efficiency, customer experiences and drive business growth.

Impact of Efficiency, Customer Experience, and Growth

These success stories of D2C brands have helped Ginesys One enhance their operations, including: 

Ethics and Results

Efficiency: Ginesys One streamlines processes, eliminates manual work, and provides real-time visibility into operations. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and optimized resource allocation.

Customer Experience: Ginesys One enables brands to deliver a seamless and personalized customer experience by centralizing customer data and leveraging advanced analytics. This has allowed D2C brands to offer tailored recommendations, personalize their promotions, and provide consistent experiences across channels.

Growth: Through enhanced efficiency and customer experience, Ginesys One contributes to business growth. D2C brands can capture new opportunities, drive sales, and expand their customer base, resulting in increased revenue and market share.

Key Considerations for Building an Omniretail Tech Stack

When building an omniretail tech stack, D2C brands should consider the following factors:

Scalability: The chosen solutions should be scalable to accommodate business growth and handle increasing order volumes across channels. Scalability ensures that the tech stack can adapt to evolving business needs and support long-term success.

Customization: D2C brands have unique requirements and workflows. The tech stack should offer customization options to align with these specific needs, allowing brands to tailor the system to their operations and processes.

Ease of Integration: Seamless integration between ERP, POS, and OMS solutions is crucial for efficient data flow and streamlined operations. The tech stack should support easy integration with existing systems and facilitate smooth information exchange.


Streamline processes and get real-time operational visibility


The importance of scalability, customization, and ease of integration in the decision-making process

Choosing the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Point of Sale (POS), and Order Management System (OMS) solutions is a critical decision for D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) brands looking to thrive in the ever-evolving world of retail. With the rapid advancements in technology and the growing demands of modern consumers, a well-designed omniretail tech stack becomes the backbone of a successful omnichannel strategy.

Scalability is a fundamental aspect to consider when selecting these solutions. As D2C brands grow and expand their operations, their tech stack must be able to accommodate increased transaction volumes, data processing, and user activity. Scalability ensures that the system can handle the influx of orders and information without compromising on performance and customer experience. Investing in scalable solutions guarantees that the tech stack will continue to support the brand's growth journey.

Customization capabilities are also crucial in tailoring the tech stack to meet the specific needs and unique processes of the D2C brand. No two businesses are exactly alike, and an off-the-shelf solution may not always align perfectly with their requirements. Customization allows brands to adapt the ERP, POS, and OMS to their workflows, business rules, and branding. This flexibility enables the tech stack to work seamlessly with the existing infrastructure and deliver a consistent and personalized experience across all touchpoints.

Ginesys One’s omnichannel suite for a simplified tech stack

Are you looking to take your D2C brand to new heights of omnichannel success?

Ginesys One offers a range of solutions designed specifically for omnichannel operations. Seamlessly integrate your ERP, POS, and OMS systems into a unified platform, eliminating the complexities of managing multiple systems. With Ginesys One, you can centralize your data, streamline your operations, and gain real-time visibility into your inventory, sales, and customer interactions.

With Ginesys One, you can experience seamless integration that simplifies your tech stack, enabling you to focus on what matters most – growing your business. You can also efficiently manage your inventory across all channels, ensuring you have the right products in the right place at the right time. You can additionally track sales and gain valuable insights to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies.

Numerous D2C brands have already achieved remarkable success with Ginesys One. They have streamlined their operations, enhanced customer experiences, and witnessed substantial growth. It's time for your brand to join their ranks and unlock the full potential of omnichannel retail.

Building the perfect tech stack is essential for D2C brands making the switch to omnichannel operations. Ginesys One provides a comprehensive solution to simplify your tech stack, streamline operations, and drive growth. Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage the powerful capabilities of Ginesys One. Take action now and position your brand for success in the dynamic world of omnichannel retail.