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Benefits of Cloud ERP - 2020 Guide to Sustain Business


Benefits of Cloud ERP - 2020 Guide to Sustain Business
Benefits of  Cloud ERP - 2020 Guide to Sustain Business


Business software that can cope up with the needs of the business, surely is a blessing to have. Cloud ERP is one such blessing for businesses today. 

There are multiple external factors, the Covid 19 pandemic for example, that can affect your daily operations. Physical dependency on office infrastructure can prove to be a huge drawback. 

The sudden disruption in the supply chain caused by the global pandemic has muddled the operating environment of business. Here is how coping with it is simplified with the help of scalable cloud ERP solutions.

Scaling Up with Digital Transformation

Cloud ERP is now being looked at as one of the factors that qualifies the business as “modern or digital”. Why is this so ? Read on to find out:

Guaranteed Faster ROI - Cloud ERP is live much faster as opposed to traditional ERP which takes months and years to configure and customize. This leads to guaranteed Return on Investment and faster returns on investment. 

Small businesses with Cloud ERP systems can make decisions with 36% less time than they did without the solution.”

Omnichannel Retail Data Sync - Cloud ERP helps the business manage omnichannel retailing. The multichannel approach to sales brings up challenges like, merging the data, collective analyses, multiple dashboards, syncing offers and catalog etc. Real-time updates of all the channels, accounts and orders are ensured. This benefits the organization in multiple ways, enabling retailers to sync orders to the warehouse, assisting in managing inventory and remaining updated with the stock count at all times.

Live Dashboard - Cloud ERP provides businesses a birds eye view of the data and ensures the data is synced to your ecommerce and other sales channels in near real time. Analysis and comparison of these channels to identify and troubleshoot the problematic aspects is essential.

Integration With Other Systems - Cloud ERP easily integrates with other services or softwares that you use in your organization. Integration is fast becoming the key bottleneck to give ROI on any new software investment. Your current cloud ERP can ensure faster ROI on all future investments. Isn’t that brilliant!

Busting the Myths - Cloud ERP 2020

Discussing the Myths that are associated with the Cloud ERP.

Myth - Data Safety and Limited Availability Risk

It is said that the cloud is an unsafe means to store your data and is unavailable. 

Fact - Ensures better safety & 24*7 Availability

Cloud ensures data availability 24*7, to ensure this, additional infrastructural efforts like manual data updates, continuous electrical supply are not necessary.  

As for safety, using other functionalities on your system, like checking emails, inserting external devices can involve high risk of virus and ransomware. Whereas cloud ERP providers are investing heavily in security measures, so the data is as safe as it can be on the cloud. They follow secure SLA guidance, strict security protocols. Restricted server access can restrict the data availability to unknown environments.  

Myth - Expensive Infrastructure Requirements 

Implementing cloud ERP needs huge investment in the network infrastructure. 

Fact - Basic Broadband Connection is Enough

Advanced and expensive IT and infrastructure is no longer a necessity to implement cloud ERP.  In recent times, Cloud ERP can be implemented for SMEs with minimal infrastructure. 

On the contrary to keep the on premise system running, infrastructural challenges like maintaining the electricity, data backups, wait time for any new implementation are much more complicated than for Cloud ERP.

Smaller businesses can now easily integrate the Cloud ERP, they can use the latest ERP with normal broadband connection. 

Myth - Longer Training Period

It is assumed that Cloud ERP can take a long time for training.

Fact - Ease of using is the USP of Cloud ERP solutions.

One of the significant factors that upholds the Cloud ERP in modern retail and supply chain management softwares, is the ease of using the solution. Cloud ERP solutions can be managed by the organizations with basic training with every update. This is possible as normally the software is almost the same for all the businesses. 

To Conclude
Given the organizational requirements, Cloud ERP is a very suitable solution to implement especially post Covid, irrespective of the size of the organization. Cloud ERP possesses significantly lower risk of data breach and data theft, compared to the on-premise softwares.

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