GST will now be charged in Retail POS bill based on point of supply of goods bought

A new feature has been introduced in Ginesys POS’ Normal POS - Payment and Collection Centre - Payment modules.
Now, state code can be tagged to a customer making an offline purchase. If the customer’s tagged state code and store’s state code are the same, then local GST is applied, i.e. CGST and SGST are charged. In case the state codes are different, Interstate GST (IGST) is charged while POS billing. Before this policy was introduced, customers making an offline purchased were charged CGST and SGST regardless the state of purchase; no option for charging IGST was available.
Because of this feature, the POS billing for Ginesys users now complies with the government’s GST norms for billing. Additionally, it helps users keep a track of purchases made locally and those made inter-state.