New horizons for Indian Retail in 2015
Indian retailers are in for good times in 2015
2014 has been a year of some epic highs and some disappointing lows in the general spectrum of Indian retail. The change in the Central governance has brought about some positive changes in the consumer market, with Indian brands enjoying some much needed push (Make in India campaign). The positives, though sporadic in nature at times, have brought cheer in the Indian retail market. Going into the holiday season, numbers of the consumer market are on an upward graph, much to the liking of the marketplaces. Can the season of good cheer translate into positive business going into the year 2015? For Indian retailers, the future seems bright nonetheless.
Some facts that tell a positive story
The estimate that Indian retail is set to continue its upward momentum is based on some facts.

Mobile retailing is ‘THE’ thing to look out for
Come 2015, the mCommerce conversions are going to topple quite a few records. The online marketplaces have been buzzing with activity all through 2014 and the trend is going to multiply by 2015. Mobile conversions have seen a sharp increase and that has got the industry insiders talking about the possibilities it holds. Major eCommerce giants like Amazon. Flipkart, Snapdeal and Myntra returned impressive figures in mobile conversion last year. It is imperative to say that the marketplaces are going to build up from theses phenomenon.
The retail boom is certainly a news that will keep the Indian retailers in high spirits in 2015. Those looking to venture into organized retail and mCommerce might not have a better time than now.