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Importance of Integrating your Warehouse Management with Your Online Sales Channels via OMS


Importance of Integrating your Warehouse Management with Your Online Sales Channels via OMS
Importance of integrating your warehouse management with your online sales channels via OMS
June 14, 2023


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, e-commerce has become a dominant force, reshaping the way businesses operate and customers shop. With the convenience of online shopping and the global reach of the internet, businesses of all sizes are embracing e-commerce to expand their customer base and drive sales. Along with the growth of e-commerce, the need for efficient inventory management to meet customer demands and ensure smooth order fulfilment and shipping processes has also become a necessity.

The Significance of Efficient Inventory Management in E-commerce

Efficient inventory management is crucial for the success of any e-commerce business. It involves accurately tracking and managing stock levels, ensuring products are available when customers place orders, and minimizing the risk of stockouts or overstocking. The ability to have real-time visibility over inventory across different sales channels is essential for businesses to make informed decisions and provide a seamless customer experience.

Challenges in E-commerce Inventory Management

Managing inventory in an e-commerce environment presents unique challenges. To start off with, businesses must deal with a wide range of products and constantly changing customer demands. Balancing the right amount of stock to meet customer orders while avoiding excessive inventory-carrying costs requires accurate forecasting and inventory control.


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The Role of Warehouse Management in E-commerce

Effective warehouse management plays a critical role in the success of e-commerce businesses. It brings organization and efficiency to the inventory handling process, ensuring that products are readily available for order fulfilment. Here are some key benefits of having warehouse management in e-commerce:

  • Brings Organization to Inventory

    A well-managed warehouse provides a centralized physical location for storing and organizing inventory. With thousands of products to manage, it becomes crucial to have a structured system in place to keep track of stock levels, locations, and product information. By implementing proper warehouse management practices, businesses can create an organized environment that allows for easy access to products when fulfilling customer orders.

  • Streamlines Order Fulfillment

    One of the primary functions of warehouse management is to streamline the process of picking out items for orders. With an organized warehouse layout and efficient inventory tracking systems, businesses can quickly locate and retrieve the required products. This improves the overall speed and accuracy of order fulfilment, ensuring that customers receive their purchases on time.

  • Enhances ScalabilityEnhanced Scalability

    As e-commerce businesses scale up, the importance of effective warehouse management becomes even more evident. With increasing order volumes and a growing product catalogue, warehouse management becomes crucial to optimizing warehouse operations. Efficient warehouse management practices, such as implementing advanced inventory management systems and optimizing workflows help businesses handle higher volumes of orders and maintain a seamless order fulfilment process.

  • Optimizes Inventory

    Warehouse management also plays a vital role in inventory optimization. By implementing inventory control techniques, businesses can accurately monitor stock levels, identify slow-moving or obsolete products, and make informed decisions about restocking and product assortment. This optimization ensures that businesses can maintain the right balance of inventory, reduce carrying costs, and avoid stockouts or excess stock.

  • Minimizes Errors and Reduces Returns

    A well-organized warehouse with proper inventory management processes significantly reduces errors in order fulfilment. By implementing barcode scanning, automated inventory tracking systems, and efficient picking processes, businesses can minimize errors related to picking wrong items, misplacing products, or shipping incorrect orders. This improves customer satisfaction, reduces returns and enhances the overall reputation of the e-commerce business.

    For online businesses one common problem is the percentage of orders that get ‘Returned to Origin’, which usually happens when orders reach customers too late. This means that the customer did not experience the product itself but returned it. Naturally, a big loss for the online business as acquisition costs for new customers are normally 3-4 times the AOV of the 1st order. An efficient WMS can result in fast picking and if integrated properly with the webstores and logistics partners, it can result in super fast shipping reducing RTOs.

    A well-designed WMS can also reduce normal returns by ensuring that the correct product is being shipped out for the order. This also improves the customer satisfaction index.

  • Enhances Customer Satisfaction

    Efficient warehouse management directly contributes to enhanced customer satisfaction. When businesses can accurately track inventory, fulfill orders quickly, and ship products on time, customers can have a seamless purchasing journey. The availability of products, accurate order fulfilment, and timely delivery contribute to positive customer experiences, fostering loyalty and repeat business.


Integrate warehouse management and online sales channels with Ginesys OMS.


Benefits of Integrating Warehouse Management with OMS

Integrating warehouse management with an advanced Order Management System (OMS) brings a multitude of benefits to e-commerce businesses. Here are some key advantages:

Warehouse Management with OMSAutomated Batch Creation and Picklist Assignment

The integration of warehouse management with order management systems (OMS) automates the process of batch creation and picklist assignment. This automation eliminates manual work and significantly reduces the time and effort required for order processing and fulfilment. By streamlining these tasks, businesses can improve their operational efficiency and reduce shipping turnaround time (TAT).

Inventory Reservation to Prevent Out-of-Stock Orders

Integrating warehouse management with OMS allows businesses to reserve inventory specifically for customer orders. This reservation system ensures that items are set aside and allocated to fulfil customer orders, minimizing the chances of out-of-stock situations. By reserving inventory, businesses can provide a seamless customer experience, reduce the risk of disappointment due to unfulfilled orders, and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Increased Sell-Through Rate

Integration between warehouse management and OMS optimizes inventory availability, leading to an increased sell-through rate. With inventory visibility of even small lots through the linking of the OMS and WMS, and a streamlined order fulfilment processes, businesses can ensure that products are readily available for purchase. This availability maximizes the chances of selling products at their full potential, driving revenue growth.

Reduced Manual Tasks and Improved Picking Speed

Warehouse management integration with OMS minimizes manual tasks in the order fulfilment process. Instead of manually downloading order items and physically searching for products in the warehouse, the integrated system provides automated workflows. This reduction in manual tasks improves operational efficiency, saves time, and enhances the overall picking speed, thereby reducing turnaround time (TAT).

Significant Reduction in Out-of-Stock Orders

Integrating warehouse management with OMS virtually eliminates out-of-stock orders. By maintaining real-time inventory visibility, businesses can proactively manage stock levels and ensure timely replenishment. This proactive approach helps prevent missed sales opportunities, enhances customer satisfaction, and fosters customer trust and loyalty.

Data Insights on Picking Efficiency

Warehouse management integration with OMS provides valuable data insights into picking efficiency. Businesses can analyze data on picking times, identify potential bottlenecks, and optimize warehouse operations accordingly. By leveraging this data, businesses can make informed decisions to further improve picking efficiency, streamline workflows, and increase overall productivity.

Inventory Movement Management across Warehouses and Bins

Integrating warehouse management with an advanced Order Management System (OMS) provides businesses with powerful tools to efficiently manage inventory movement across multiple warehouses and bins. This integration helps streamline inventory management through:

Efficient Warehouse-to-Warehouse Transfers

The integrated system simplifies and automates the process of transferring inventory between different warehouse locations. Businesses can easily track and manage stock movement, ensuring optimal allocation and distribution across warehouses. This capability reduces errors, minimizes stock imbalances, and improves overall inventory control.

Optimized Bin Management: With warehouse management integration, businesses gain the ability to effectively manage inventory movement across various bins within a warehouse. By organizing inventory into specific bins based on SKU, product type, or other criteria, businesses can streamline their order fulfilment processes. This optimization reduces picking errors, enhances picking speed, and improves overall operational efficiency.


Gain valuable data insights on picking efficiency with Ginesys with OMS.


Efficient Returns Management: The integrated system allows businesses to handle returns more effectively. Businesses can allocate separate bins specifically for returned items, enabling easy identification and efficient processing. This segregation ensures that returned items are promptly evaluated, processed for refund or replacement, and properly tracked within the inventory system.

Vendor Return Management: Integrating warehouse management with OMS enables businesses to manage items that need to be returned to vendors in separate bins. By segregating these items, businesses can accurately track and manage vendor returns. This capability simplifies the return process, improves communication with vendors, and ensures timely resolution of return-related issues.

Streamlined Stock Audits: The integration between warehouse management and OMS significantly improves the efficiency of stock audits. The system provides robust tools and functionalities to conduct comprehensive stock audits, reconcile physical stock with recorded inventory, and identify any discrepancies. This streamlined approach reduces the time and effort required for audits, enhances accuracy, and facilitates better decision-making based on real-time inventory data.

By integrating warehouse management with OMS, businesses can gain better control over inventory movement across warehouses and bins. This results in improved inventory accuracy, reduced operational costs, enhanced order fulfilment processes, and increased overall efficiency.

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Integrating warehouse management with an advanced Order Management System (OMS) offers tremendous benefits for enhancing the overall customer experience. This integration enables businesses to provide accurate product information, timely order status updates, and reliable tracking information, resulting in a seamless and satisfying customer journey.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Accurate Product Information: The integration between warehouse management and OMS ensures that customers have access to precise and up-to-date product information. From detailed product descriptions to specifications, pricing, and availability, customers can make informed purchasing decisions. Accurate product information instills confidence in customers, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Timely Order Status Updates: By integrating warehouse management with OMS, businesses can provide customers with timely updates on the status of their orders. Customers receive immediate confirmation when an order is placed and are regularly informed about the progress of their shipments. This transparency and proactive communication foster trust and eliminate uncertainties, contributing to a positive customer experience.

Reliable Tracking Information: Integrating warehouse management with OMS enables customers to track their orders in real-time. Customers receive tracking numbers and can easily monitor the movement of their packages until they reach their destination. The reliable tracking information allows customers to plan and anticipate the delivery, enhancing convenience and customer satisfaction.

Seamless Communication: The integration between warehouse management and OMS streamlines communication between the business and customers. Any changes or updates to an order, such as delays or backorders, can be promptly communicated to customers. This keeps customers informed and minimizes frustration, further improving their experience.

Impact of Improved Customer Satisfaction on Repeat Business and Brand Reputation

Enhancing customer satisfaction through the integration of warehouse management with an advanced `Order Management System (OMS) has a significant impact on repeat business and brand reputation. Let's delve into how improved customer satisfaction drives these outcomes:

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty goes beyond customers being able to recognize your brand on the shelf. It is more about having shared values, trust and positive experiences. Achieving strong brand loyalty allows you to spend less time and money acquiring customers and leads to more revenue over time.

Customer Loyalty: When customers have a satisfying experience with a business, they are more likely to become loyal patrons. By providing accurate product information, timely order updates, and reliable tracking, businesses can meet customer expectations and build trust. Satisfied customers are inclined to make repeat purchases, contributing to a steady stream of revenue and long-term success.

Increased Customer Lifetime Value: Loyal customers tend to have a higher lifetime value for a business. They not only make repeat purchases but are also more likely to explore other products or services offered. By ensuring a seamless customer experience, businesses can maximize customer lifetime value and drive growth.

Positive Word-of-Mouth: Delighted customers often become brand advocates, sharing their positive experiences with others. Word-of-mouth referrals have a significant impact on attracting new customers. By focusing on customer satisfaction, businesses can leverage the power of positive recommendations and generate new leads through organic, enthusiastic referrals.


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Brand Reputation

Enhanced Brand Reputation Customer Reviews and Ratings: Satisfied customers are more inclined to leave positive reviews and ratings for a business. These reviews serve as social proof and influence potential customers. Higher ratings and positive feedback enhance a brand's reputation, credibility, and perceived reliability.

Brand Differentiation: In a competitive marketplace, exceptional customer satisfaction sets a business apart from its competitors. By consistently delivering a superior customer experience, businesses can differentiate themselves, positioning their brand as trustworthy, reliable, and customer-centric. This differentiation strengthens the brand reputation and helps attract new customers.

Customer Retention: Customer satisfaction plays a pivotal role in customer retention. Satisfied customers are less likely to switch to competitors and are more likely to continue their relationship with a brand over the long-term. Retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, and a strong focus on satisfaction contributes to improved customer retention rates.

By prioritizing customer satisfaction through integrated warehouse management and OMS, businesses can foster repeat business, increase customer lifetime value, generate positive word-of-mouth, and build a favourable brand reputation. These outcomes, in turn, lead to sustained growth, market competitiveness, and a strong position in the industry.

Understanding Ginesys OMS

Ginesys OMS (Order Management System) is a powerful software solution that revolutionizes the way businesses manage their orders, inventory, and fulfilment processes. Designed to streamline and optimize operations, Ginesys OMS offers a comprehensive set of capabilities to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

Order Management

Ginesys OMS provides end-to-end order management. From order creation to fulfilment, businesses can seamlessly track and manage every aspect of the order lifecycle. The system automates order processing, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual errors. This feature allows businesses to process a high volume of orders efficiently, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Inventory Management

With Ginesys OMS, businesses gain real-time visibility and control over their inventory across multiple sales channels. The system offers a centralized view of inventory, enabling businesses to efficiently manage stock levels, avoid stockouts, and make data-driven decisions for purchasing and replenishment. By ensuring accurate inventory information, Ginesys OMS helps businesses meet customer demands promptly.

Fulfilment Optimization

Efficient order fulfilment is critical for customer satisfaction. Ginesys OMS optimizes the fulfilment process by automating tasks such as batch creation and picklist assignment. This automation eliminates manual work and reduces the turnaround time (TAT) for shipping. The system also enables the reservation of inventory, minimizing slip-ups and out-of-stock orders. These features improve order accuracy and speed up the process of ordering.

Multi-Channel Sales Integration

Ginesys OMS seamlessly integrates with various online and offline sales channels. This integration allows businesses to manage orders, inventory, and fulfilment across multiple platforms from a single system. By unifying its sales channels, Ginesys OMS ensures consistent and efficient processes, reducing complexity and improving overall operational effectiveness.

Reporting and Analytics

Ginesys OMS provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities, offering valuable insights into order trends, inventory performance, and customer behaviour. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can make informed decisions to optimize their operations, identify opportunities for growth, and enhance the customer experience. The system also provides data on picking efficiency, enabling businesses to monitor and improve their warehouse processes.

Ginesys OMS empowers businesses with the tools and capabilities to streamline their order management, inventory control, and fulfilment processes. By leveraging the comprehensive features offered by Ginesys OMS, businesses can enhance their efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, ultimately driving growth and success.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Ginesys OMS has helped businesses of all sizes improve their warehouse management and online sales channels. Here are a few examples:

Fashion Retail

A leading fashion retailer was struggling to keep up with the demand for online orders. They were using a manual system to manage their warehouse, which was causing delays and errors. Ginesys OMS helped them automate their warehouse processes, which resulted in a significant improvement in efficiency (picking time reduced by 50%). They were also able to increase their online sales by 20% from the same inventory pool.


A large supermarket chain was looking to improve the customer experience for its online shoppers. As the grocery business had a fast sales ecommerce site, visibility of inventory across the chain down to the last piece was important. They were using a third-party OMS, which was not meeting their expectations. Ginesys OMS helped them create a seamless shopping experience for their customers, by integrating with the Ginesys ERP. They served a 60% increase in online orders using the same inventory holding cost and managed to ship these orders with the same sized warehouse team.

These are just a few examples of how Ginesys OMS and Ginesys WMS has helped businesses to improve their warehouse management and online sales channels. If you are looking for a way to improve your business's efficiency and profitability, then Ginesys OMS is a great option.


Request a demo to see how Ginesys OMS can help you improve your e-commerce operations.


Benefits of Integrating Ginesys OMS

There are many benefits to integrating Ginesys OMS with your warehouse management system. Some of the key benefits include:

Improved efficiency: Ginesys WMS can help you automate many of your warehouse processes, leading to significant improvements in efficiency. This can free up your time and resources to let you focus on other aspects of your business.

Increased accuracy: Ginesys WMS can help you improve the accuracy of your warehouse processes, reduce errors and improve customer satisfaction.

Increased visibility: Ginesys WMS provides you with real-time visibility of your inventory levels and order status. This can help you make better decisions about inventory management and customer service.

Improved customer experience: Ginesys OMS can help you create a seamless shopping experience for your customers. This can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

If you are looking to improve the efficiency, accuracy, visibility, and customer experience of your warehouse management system, Ginesys OMS is a great option.

Integrating warehouse management with online sales channels through OMS is essential for businesses looking to improve their e-commerce operations. OMS solutions can help businesses:

Higher inventory accuracy: WMS solutions can help businesses keep track of their inventory levels in real-time, preventing stockouts and overstocking.

Optimize order fulfilment: OMS solutions can help businesses to optimize their order fulfilment process, which can help to improve customer satisfaction and reduce shipping costs.

Increased sales: OMS solutions can help businesses increase their sales by making it easier for customers to place orders and by providing a better customer experience.

Ginesys OMS is a leading OMS solution that can help businesses improve their e-commerce operations. It offers a variety of features that will help businesses improve their inventory accuracy, optimize their order fulfilment process, and increase their sales.

If you’re a business looking to improve your e-commerce operations, Ginesys OMS should be your top choice. Ginesys’ OMS solutions have helped businesses improve their inventory accuracy, optimize their order fulfilment process, and increase their sales.

Integrate your warehouse management with online sales channels via Ginesys OMS to improve your inventory accuracy, optimize order fulfilment, increase sales and enhance customer service and efficiency. Ask us for a demo today!